Tuesday, May 13, 2008



The Insite had a chance to speak with Marche Taylor and her grandmother. Taylor is the 17 year old Madison High School student who found herself arrested just before her prom two weekends ago. According to Taylor she was arrested after entering the lobby of a hotel where he high school prom was being held. She was denied entry into the prom and because of an argument police took her away in handcuffs. But the Insite had a chance to speak with Taylor's grandmother on Monday. It's where the high school student lives. Her grandmother says the dress Taylor wore is not the dress she approved. Her grandmother who wants no publicity on this issue says there was one design that she wanted and by the time Marche took it to the dressmaker or seamstress it was another design. The grandmother said she would never allow her out the house that way. She went on to tell The Insite she had recently suffered a stroke and was ill the day of the prom and didn't really notice how Marche was dressed when she left the house. That grandmother says her family has not been able to get 5 minutes rest because the phone has been ringing off the hook since the story broke on KHOU TV last week. The woman says she wants The Insite to tell her side of what she calls the truth about the situation. She went on to say Marche should let her anger go about being kicked out the prom. The grandmother said, "when you're wrong, you're wrong." Meanwhile, Taylor remains defiant. She says she feels like her dress was appropriate and she shouldn't have been kicked out of the prom. The dress has garnered nationwide attention from blogs to radio shows. What do you think about this prom dress?

(Note: Marche is the young lady on the left side of the photo)

(By the way, The Insite's hat goes off to KHOU's Wendell Edwards for handling the story very well without exploiting the young girl!)


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    he fashion police arrested her for impersonating a bad wrapped Christmas present....LOL...Where the fuck was the after party Harlem Nights???

    During prom youngsters these days want to stand out from others...My opinion it was poor taste. I'm sure it'll be posted soon if it hasn't on HOT Ghetto Mess.com

  2. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I hope her grandmother can help her understand why the skimpy prom dress was inappropriate.
    Otherwise, this young lady will end up dressing the wrong way for jobs, school, church, etc; in the future.
    its all about presenting yourself in a confident, but credible and respectable manner.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I understand that the grandmother understands that the dress was inappropriate, and the girl may have done her best to more-or-less sneak out of the house without her grandmother seeing the dress.

    The big problem, though, is that the girl's grandmother (and mother, for that matter) raised her in a way that she decided that it was okay to pull a stunt like this, and throw a scene at the prom. It doesn't matter if you want to stand our or what - that's not how you behave, and she should have been raised better so she knew that.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I agree with the previous post.
    Raise your children to know the difference in their presentation/ the manner in which they represent themselves and I promise you they would not be caught dead with this type of attire. This is a street walker's dress---not appropriate for a night club surely NOT for a prom. She SHOULD HAVE been turned away from the prom. Good move, I say.

    In most cases, the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree.

  5. Last night, when going to commercial,
    Barajas on Fox 26 says something to the effect of 'coming up, a girl
    arrested because of her prom dress'.

    No, she was put in cuffs because she was acting a fool after being told
    she couldn't enter the prom looking
    like that. Anybody with any common
    sense should've known better.

  6. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Way to go Grandmother

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Guidelines were given to & signed by all 12h grade students as to the dress code for prom.
    It doesn't matter if th dress wasn't made the way it was drawn out to be, or whatever the case may be. I can't see any dress maker changing a dress that much to where every guideline set was missed.

    People need to understand she was not arrested for the dress, she was arrested for disturbing the peace. It was a school supported function and if you curse out a school official at school you can possibly be arrested, so the same goes when you are at a school sponsered function.

  8. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Yes, the dress was inappropriate and extremely tacky and I hope the girl will figure out why at some point. What I don't understand is professional journalists saying - this is horrible - look at the girl in the skanky dress! If she was not fit to be seen in public, why expose her coast to coast? She only exposed herself to a thousand people or so.

  9. I knew it was coming. Somehow I knew people were going to find a way to blame the media. What were we all taught? Take responsibility for our own actions. She decided to wear the dress and she wanted media attention on the issue. Do you think any capable reporter is going to turn down a story like this if the subject is willing to do an interview. If she was 10 years old then I would see the difference. Let's blame the government or the liberals or the Supreme Court next!

  10. Anonymous12:18 AM

    No, just blame the white man....as always. You want to know what a nappy-headed ho looks like? Refer to the picture.....it says it all.

  11. Anonymous7:00 AM

    With this kind of attitude, shortly after graduation, she is going to be just another hoochie mama walking the streets down West Belfort.

  12. Isiah,

    I think the media is partly culpable... but that was just my attention grabber!

    There is always a chicken and egg debate over whether the media is just giving the public what they want, and is just a reflection of what is happening, or if the media is putting crap out there and leading the public astray. It is a combination of the two - you can still debate over which came first, though.

    People see things in the media, in the streets, on TV shows, etc., that sane people with common sense realize are not right. Most of us were taught some morality - right from wrong. However, when one is constantly bombarded by (negative) images and inappropriate behavior without the proper reinforcement from parents, family, friends, etc., you will start to lose the proper perspective, and you start to accept abnormal images and behavior as normal.

    On the other hand, the media - TV news, TV commercial programming, print, movies, music, etc. - is a business, and that business thrives by selling more product. As a member of that media, you know that nobody turns on Fox news to see a story about little Susie getting B's at school, or Halliburton having ordinary profits, or a man getting a ticket for jaywalking. A news program has to lead with the dramatic to hook the viewers. Even when it's not dramatic, they try to make it so. Look at KPRC's weather - Frank Billingsly says he presents the weather without hype, but he does it from the "Severe Weather Center," even on a sunny day! American Idol is about the extremes - good and bad. People watch Desperate Housewives but wouldn't turn in to see a show about their neighbors on the next street, going about their ordinary lives.

    What we end up with is a ratcheting effect, where people who don't have enough positive influences from their parents are influenced by "the media" too much. "The media" then has to compete for the short attention spans of those people, and has to be dramatic and even more extreme. Then, people see that and are led even more off course. It is a vicious cycle.

    I think I'd make a great consultant, because I am great at identifying problems. Solutions... well... I'm still working on that. As for my family, I work every day to help my children realize right from wrong, and to help them realize that what they see on TV is not really a reflection of our world, but only a very small window on the extremes that catch peoples' attention. I hope it helps.

  13. Anonymous8:51 AM

    "Do you think any capable reporter is going to turn down a story like this if the subject is willing to do an interview."

    YES! Any capable reporter would know that this was not "news." This is pure sensationalism and the media covered it because it would draw viewers. The media has no tact and has lost its sense of responsiblilty.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Steve,

    There have been dozens of young girls impregnated by older adult men, young teenage boys who are sent packing on their own so those older men can have all the young girls to themselves, brothers sleeping with sisters, brainwashed women who speak like Stepford wives, and a graveyard full of still born children. This all happened at a religious sect in west Texas where no branch of the media was allowed in any form or fashion. It's a community where they don't have television, radio, newspaper or the internet. I don't think humans need the media to make it corrupt. Man will do this all on his own. Remember the only thing that separates us from animals - our brains and humanity.
    We can't just always blame someone else for our problems!

  16. No Rob,

    this is not news but you managed to find this post, come here and comment on it. It is news. No matter how much you want to deny it, it is news when a young woman dresses provocatively, is denied entry to her senior prom and is arrested for her behavior. That's news. This is what gets the public talking. It warns future seniors not to dress like this. It keeps parents on the alert for their young daughters who may consider a such a dress. It helps schools to prepare and formulate clothing policies. This is news. When news operations attempted to give you other forms of good solid journalism you turned off in record numbers and watched the one legged stripper. The news has evolved with the public's needs and wants!

  17. Isiah,

    I didn't say the media is the only source of the problem - "we" all did it together. That was the "ratcheting" argument that I was trying to make.

    And I certainly didn't mean to imply that everything the media does is bad - that's far from the truth. There is news that needs to be reported that isn't pretty. But, I bet that there won't be any media reporting on my daughter's school's Spring Musical today - it's not dramatic enough.

    When there are stories like this idiot wearing only a long scarf to her prom, I'd like to see the news media call point out how wrong they are. But that won't happen, everyone is afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, or insult anyone. Well, I'm insulted.

  18. I got to get on the road for work now...But I'll respond when I get off...To be continued!

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    No Isiah,

    That was sensationalism. The teases said things like the girl was arrested while trying to get into her prom wearing a skimpy dress. BS. She was arrested because she is an idiot. The media just wanted to show an underaged girl in a skimpy dress.

    People need their family and friends to teach them things, NOT the media.

  20. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "No Rob,this is not news but you managed to find this post, come here and comment on it. It is news."

    Is it or isn't it? See? Even you don't know....

    The sensationalism is what gets people talking. Who really cares if some trampy girl is not granted access to a private business that has a dress code? Who really cares if some obnoxious teen gets taken away in cuffs for arguing with the police? NO ONE CARES!

    Schools, parents and students already know what is acceptable. This "news" story only show us that the media likes to see skantally clad young women and that skantally clad young women are losers. No one learned anything from it. It only reinforced the knowledge that there are idiots in this world. DUH!

  21. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The real argument should be "what is the next generation going to be like?"

    If we have...

    1.kids killing kids at school

    2.kids wearing clothes fit for a prostitute.

    3.kids flushing babies down the toilet.

    4.perverted teachers and pastors raping, masterbating,and kidnapping the kids.

    5.kids selling weed pies at school.

    You get my point..

    I dare you to walk out the house wearing clothes fit for a bulldaggin street hore, as Big Momma would say..I dare you flush that baby down the toilet, because if you bold enough to get pregnant you bold enough to have it and raise it, as Big Momma would say..

    You would get a beat down if you even looked the wrong way! I truly believe that it takes a village to raise kids, because back in the day not only will you get it from Big Momma and Daddy when he get home from work, if your neighbor caught you doing something you had no business you would still get a beat down, at school the principle would give you a beat down with that hard paddle! Everyone had turns beating that butt!

    The question that concerns me about this particular article, is where is the girls parents? Most children who are raised by grandparents is usually because their parents are drug addicts, or they are in very violent and abusive relationships, or the military (which is still considered abusive and violent in my eyes). Something had to happen for the grandmother to be the primary caregiver.

    The grandmother stated that she had suffered from a stroke and was sick, so this leads me to believe that the girl is pretty much raising herself! I think kids in her situation need someone positive to look up to..Someone who could relate to her situation. I pray that she gets the help that she needs to become a positive asset to the houston community.

    No one makes the world complicated or corrupt but people that live in the world! That is the way it has always been.

    lori **silly ole me**

  22. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Silly ole Lori probably had the best post of the day I think.
