Sunday, April 26, 2009



Listen up Republicans: It's been almost 100 days, and your country is not coming back to you. She's found somebody new.

If conservatives don't want to be seen as bitter people who cling to their guns and religion and anti-immigrant sentiments, they should stop being bitter and clinging to their guns, religion and anti-immigrant sentiments.

It's been a week now, and I still don't know what those "tea bag" protests were about. I saw signs protesting abortion, illegal immigrants, the bank bailout and that gay guy who's going to win "American Idol." But it wasn't tax day that made them crazy; it was election day. 

Because that's when Republicans became what they fear most: a minority.

The conservative base is absolutely apoplectic because, because ... well, nobody knows. They're mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore. Even though they're not quite sure what "it" is. But they know they're fed up with "it," and that "it" has got to stop.

Here are the big issues for normal people: the war, the economy, the environment, mending fences with our enemies and allies, and the rule of law.

And here's the list of Republican obsessions since President Obama took office: that his birth certificate is supposedly fake, he uses a teleprompter too much, he bowed to a Saudi guy, Europeans like him, he gives inappropriate gifts, his wife shamelessly flaunts her upper arms, and he shook hands with Hugo Chavez and slipped him the nuclear launch codes.

Do these sound like the concerns of a healthy, vibrant political party?

It's sad what's happened to the Republicans. They used to be the party of the big tent; now they're the party of the sideshow attraction, a socially awkward group of mostly white people who speak a language only they understand. Like Trekkies, but paranoid.

The GOP base is convinced that Obama is going to raise their taxes, which he just lowered. But, you say, "Bill, that's just the fringe of the Republican Party." No, it's not. The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is not afraid to say publicly that thinking out loud about Texas seceding from the Union is appropriate considering that ... Obama wants to raise taxes 3% on 5% of the people? I'm not sure exactly what Perry's independent nation would look like, but I'm pretty sure it would be free of taxes and Planned Parenthood. And I would have to totally rethink my position on a border fence.

I know. It's not about what Obama's done. It's what he's planning. But you can't be sick and tired of something someone might do.

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota recently said she fears that Obama will build "reeducation" camps to indoctrinate young people. But Obama hasn't made any moves toward taking anyone's guns, and with money as tight as it is, the last thing the president wants to do is run a camp where he has to shelter and feed a bunch of fat, angry white people.

Look, I get it, "real America." After an eight-year run of controlling the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, this latest election has you feeling like a rejected husband. You've come home to find your things out on the front lawn -- or at least more things than you usually keep out on the front lawn. You're not ready to let go, but the country you love is moving on. And now you want to call it a whore and key its car.

That's what you are, the bitter divorced guy whose country has left him -- obsessing over it, haranguing it, blubbering one minute about how much you love it and vowing the next that if you cannot have it, nobody will.

But it's been almost 100 days, and your country is not coming back to you. She's found somebody new. And it's a black guy.

The healthy thing to do is to just get past it and learn to cherish the memories. You'll always have New Orleans and Abu Ghraib.

And if today's conservatives are insulted by this, because they feel they're better than the people who have the microphone in their party, then I say to them what I would say to moderate Muslims: Denounce your radicals.

To paraphrase George W. Bush, either you're with them or you're embarrassed by them.

The thing that you people out of power have to remember is that the people in power are not secretly plotting against you. They don't need to. They already beat you in public.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    First, it is the Leftist media who claims the "Tea Party" movement is Republican.

    IT IS NOT!

    The conservatives, of every political affiliation are mad as Hell at both political parties!

    Both sides have sold out America, and shedded the Constitution to do it.

    We want our county back, and we will do it in a not so politically correct manner.


  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    as a democrat i feel very comfortable in saying:

    billmaher is a jackass.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Bill hit the nail right n the head. Republicans are bitter white people who are upset they lost the election. They can't wait for the next four years. They want to lynch Obama right now.

  4. I can't stand that little midget.

  5. Tx Bs4:44 PM

    Bill Maher = 100% Wrong!!

    Why the Republicans lost the election was that there was not one truely inspiring conservative running.

    Obama did not win by a landslide, and when the conservatives have a true fiscal and social conservative as a choice....

    Politics is a pendulum as it swings to the left, sooner or later it must swing back to the right.

    And to Anon who thinks we want to lynch Obama, you could not be more wrong. Being a Conservative does not mean we are rednecks. I could care less about Obama's color. Can he do the job? I think not. After all it's not my party that has a Grand Poo Bah Dragon as a Senator.
    (hint: look up Robert Byrd on Wikipedia)

  6. Anonymous6:31 PM

    What I find funny is how the sheeple, errrrrr Democrats, will back ANYTHING, YES ANYTHING, Obama endorses. With that said, my problem is with this country in general, both Dems and Rep alike.

    Personally I have a big problem with my tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants to get health care and free education. I also have a big problem with the numerous Americans I see abusing the welfare system.

    Why do I have such a bad attitude? Well after my house sustained $50,000 in damage from Hurricane Ike I quickly found out that this country is totally against the working man. I was denied any and all assistance from FEMA....

    So yes I am bitter. I am bitter that this country is so eager to help everyone except the hardworking citizens that made it.

    For those of you that don't have a problem helping out illegal immigrants or unworthy welfare recipients you can always Paypal me some funds. I can promise you that the money would be put to proper drugs/nothing illegal....

    I won't hold my breath though.

  7. Fathertime10:27 PM

    sounds just about right to me...usa1 just put his usual one cent in...he always has something so articulate and thoughtful to offer...

  8. As did you, Fathertime. Can you say hypocrite?

  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Bill Maher was absolutely right! Kudos to him.

    I have been getting quite the kick out of watching Republicans the last 100 days, LOL! I'd better not EVER hear another Republican talk about Democrats whinning and cryyyyying. OMG! I say go crawl up into the arms of fox news with your thumbs in your mouths and deal with the reality of it all. I'm sure the poll numbers can't be fun to hear, huh?

    To the Anonymous poster whose home was damaged by hurricane Ike and was turned down by FEMA, I say why don't you follow the Republican mantra and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and stop depending on government? As a fictitious resident in North Dakota would ask,

    "why should my tax dollars go to help a complete stranger in Texas who CHOOSES to live in a area that is hurricane prone? Besides, though I have never experienced a hurricane, I know it couldn't be THAT bad. I mean, my plumbing stopped up and flooded my house and I had it repaired without government help. Surely folks in Texas could repair their situations without MY tax dollars. I say to Texans, stop being so lazy and fix your own property". (sarcasm but the

    And good grief, I get so sick of hearing complaints about people abusing the welfare system. If there is one thing my parents gave me, it was a sense of reality. Reality is, there is corruption in EVERY aspect of life. There are corrupt police officers, grocery baggers, teachers, politicians, priests, Democrats, and (GASP) there are even corrupt Republicans. But the one thing all of the listed have in common is...the overwhelming amount of them ARE NOT corrupt. The same is true in the welfare system. Most people who are on it, ACTUALLY NEED IT and are not life time recipients. However many times, like in life in general, the bad apples are picked out and exploited on Fox news to manipulate it's audience into believing most of their taxes are going to the welfare system of which 99% of the recipiets are corrupt. Which is far from the truth. Hell, if you listen to many of them, everyone who is not a Republican is on welfare.

    Lastly, regarding the Tea Parties, I think the funniest thing I saw was a man with a sign complaining about his taxes going up, and when the reporter asked if he was in the category of those who are actually getting a tax increase, he didn't know and said he made $41k a year. I wonder how many at those parties made less than $250k,yet were complaining about the 3-5% increase (which by the way, a few prominent loud Republicans have labeled those percentages as a "attack on the rich").

    Many Democrats are almost as bad in many of their ways, but goodness, Republicans are something else.

  10. Fathertime11:57 AM

    i put two cents in...ha, hypocrite, what a strong word...are you a happy person? you seem on the defensive quite often sir.

  11. I have to be on the defensive when there are trolls stalking me on here with idiotic sarcastic nonsense everyday. How about that?

    Was that you that posted @ 9:58. Long, rambling, and totally incorrect...must've been you. ha
