Sunday, April 19, 2009



The big international story last week was the rescue of American Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates. The rescue came after President Barack Obama gave the go ahead to take out the suspects once the hostage life appeared to be in imminent danger. Sharpshooters from the US Navy delivered killing three of the Somalis who held the captain hostage. Some chalked it up as a decisive victory for President Obama.

That didn't last long because the Conservatives had to weigh in. The criticism came fast and furious. Some say Obama waited too long, others said the President gloated and took credit he didn't deserve. Whatever the Conservative critics could come up with they used against Obama according to published reports.

FOX Newschannel took an in depth look at the issue. The network turned to former CBS reporter, turned author, and now Conservative commentator Bernie Goldberg. They wanted his take on the issue. Goldberg said Conservatives were being overly critical of the President. He said we should just give credit where it is due. He congratulated Obama on doing a good job.

Goldberg said Conservatives should be better than the Liberals who criticized President George W. Bush over the last 8 years. He says it takes away credibility when you criticize just for the sake of criticism and partisan politics.

Do you agree? Should there be a defining line when it comes to real criticism and politics? The Insite would like to hear your opinion on the criticism issue. Are the Conservatives criticizing Obama just to win the argument or because he botched the rescue of the American captain?


  1. I'm sure there are people who are complaining for both reasons. As for myself, it's because of his performance.

    I was embarrassed for myself and my country every time I turned on my radio, TV, or accessed the news on my computer and heard about about how 4 armed thugs were holding Captain Phillips hostage and winning a standoff with the world's mightiest armed forces.

    It was at first reassuring to hear about how the Navy SEALS had rescued Captain Phillips, but then I heard about how President Obama actually hindered the rescue for 36 hours, and how the President's actions actually allowed Captain Phillips to be recaptured the first time he escaped!

    You can't give President Obama a pass because he is black, because he is new to the job, because he is a Democrat, or because it is a nice thing to do. He is in too important of a position, with too much responsibility, and when he screws up like this, he should be called out on it. And everyone who set the standard with criticism of previous Presidents has no right to complain now.

  2. Beth Richardson11:48 AM


    The man is at home safe and sound. You really lose credibility when you make such blatantly biased comments. You people will never be happy with ANYTHING that our president does. The funny thing is you try soooo hard to sound reasonable and intelligent. By the way do know that the President is the commander in chief and that INCLUDES the Navy Seals. It is so funny how your type are the only people complaining about the rescue. I would not be surprised to hear that you are bad about his choice of dog as well. Race has everything to do with this. Bush screwed up EVERYTHING and you and the rest of your bigot friends rushed to his defense. Steve, the biggest sign of a racist is someone who constantly says that they are not racist. Here is the shoe, wear it.

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Steve, c'mon man. I have never seen you praise the President for anything what so ever. Maybe I am wrong but most of your comments of him have been negative. Is there anything this man can do to make you feel good about him being your President? If I am wrong about you having not said anything good about Obama, please let me know and I will apologize then.

    As for Obama "hindering" the rescue, where did you here that information? Are you sure the source of your information provided all of the facts regarding the situation? You do understand that there is always more to every story, and that if the President did not act "immediately," there was likely a good reason for it. Just my two cents.

  4. You're right, there is nothing at all I have seen the President do that is worthy of praise.

    No, sorry, it was amazing and noteworthy that he was elected - that's it.

    There is nothing else that I have seen that is worthy of praise. The man is completely unqualified to be president, he is spending the country into serious problems, and... I could go on and on, but obviously "you people" won't listen.

    I provided a source. If you have some more information that refutes anything in that article, please let me know.


    Why did you ask about whether or not I know that the President is the Commander-in-Chief? Of course I do - that's why it's a problem. He gave the orders to not shoot until the commanders at the scene took action.

    Race has nothing to do with it. I judge a man (or a woman) by his (or her) actions. I will admit that I was prejudiced against President Obama before he took office because I did the research on him and his politics, and knew he would be trouble for this country.

    I don't want to hear anyone calling me a racist. Anyone who does that is flat out wrong. However, when someone talks about "you people" and "your type," that is an obvious sign of racism.

    Please read everything I have written here - or anywhere - and tell me that I am racist. Just because I don't like the man, or his politics, doesn't mean that I don't like his race.

  5. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hey Readers,

    please don't worry about trying to change Steve's opinion. He's one of those conservative racists who has his mind set.

    He justifies his racism by lying to himself. If he lies to himself how can you expect the truth from him.

    He and other conservatives will never admit they're against Obama because he's Black, half Black or somewhere in the middle. If he's not lily White in Steve's eyes, he's simply incompetent.

    Don't waste your key strokes attempting to turn a tainted turnip like salivating Steve. Hidden racism drips from his lips of disdain. He's a reminder of what Dr. King fought against.



  6. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines racism as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." I can separate a man and his actions from the color of his skin. Just because I don't think that black people deserve a special break or extra consideration because of their color does not make me racist.

    If this blog was around during President Carter's time, I would be calling him out just the same as I am with President Obama.

    I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. If you're going to call me names like this, quit hiding behind anonymity! Thanks for standing up showing your name, Beth, but everyone else who is anonymously calling me names knows that their name calling just doesn't stand up in the light of day.

  7. An anonymous troll flinging race cards on here??!! I don't believe it! *rolling eyes*

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yeah Steven,

    What is the weather is the denial that you live in.
