Monday, September 27, 2010



  1. There's plenty of racism from BOTH sides. I wonder what would've happened if they had set up in a predominantly black area?

  2. No, by all means, let's deal with racism. We can start by getting rid of all organizations that self segregate by skin color. Shall we start with the HABJ? Constantly driving a wedge into the race barrier by forming these organizations is a step in the wrong direction. Why can't you seem to realize that?

    Speaking of predictable, I can almost guess what every article on your blog will be about before even opening the site. It's the same thing day after day after day.
    If you want to get rude, we can go there, you know I'm not afraid.

  3. I just realized I don't know who or what you are...why argue...have a good one!

  4. Oh, and I forgot to add. There are so many variables in this clip that you didn't even take in to consideration. They are the same people. How do you know the reaction wouldn't have been the same with those people in the park if the white guy happened to be there then? I wonder how many clips they deleted to try and sensationalize it? For all you know there could've been the same reaction to the white guy that they didn't even show you. C'mon, Insite, you're brighter than that!

  5. @ USA 1- you're critique of what may have happened with the editing of the footage is right on in many cases where there is an opportunity to 'sensationalize' the results. However this video does shine the light on what is a very REAL problem with our mental programming. I myself am an African American male, educated and am what you would consider to be a productive member of society. I have been stereotyped, and pigeonholed into what people see as 'black' behavior in the past without cause. I have even experienced a similar situation where the assumption was that I was stealing or about to commit a criminal act even though I in fact was not. I would venture to say this happens with white Americans from time to time as well, but predominantly society looks at a situation with these variables and some of the same considerations given to the white male in this video, would not be given to the African American male. It's ignorant to play the blame game and say things that are high level like "let's get rid of the organizations that divide by skin color". Many of those organizations were established simply because there was not an equal playing field in the first place due to such ignorance. I could argue about the importance of these organizations today, but honestly everyone has their own opinion. Anyhow, Mr. Carey- Kudos for sharing this with the public. I think we need a decent reminder to make considerations to the way we think which is what this is really about.
