Wednesday, September 29, 2010




  1. Wow. This is really serious.

    If Eddie Long was innocent, why would he not respond straight away to these allegations, as a man of God? Why has he not come out straight away to say that these allegations are false and he is innocent?

    There are just too many of these allegations of people accusing these preachers nowadays. There has to be some truth to it, I guess.

    Those pictures of him in the bathroom look pretty suspect, a man of God posing in front of a mirror in such tight clothing? Maybe I have high expectations and perceptions of what a man of God is supposed to be.

    Well, I really don't know. Who can you trust these days?

  2. This reporter was ON IT!!!

  3. I believe the allegations. The people need to understand that "Pastors a.k.a Bishops (or whatever title they want to call themselves)these preachers are still human flesh, they are not EXEMPT from making mistakes and sinning. However; what upsets me the most is how these pastors stand before the congregation and preach againist things that they are secretly doing privately.

    These pastors are running God's people away from the church, and they will be punished accordingly. These are false prophets who will see God's wrath soon!!!! Whats done in the dark will come to the light. Eddie Long will be EXPOSED....

    This hurts my heart, because me and my sisters were also sexually abused by my grandfather who was also a pastor at the time. It took years for us to come out, and let the family know about what happened, because we "loved him" and we wanted to protect him because he raised us, because our father was not in the picture. When I got married I could no longer hold it inside, it begin to rip me apart. I was at a point where my faith was tested, and I didn't want to go to church anymore, because I saw all pastors as rotten flea bag perverts who try to be with any woman who sits on the front row. To conclude...I exposed my grandfather to everyone...I also forgave him for what he did...but I exposed him to the entire family and everyone that I come in contact with which is what these youngmen need to do....Get these false prophets out of the church....

    The youngmen who were affected by this will have this scar for the rest of their lives; the only way to heal is by telling the truth and open up and do not hold it in....The TRUTH WILL SET THEM FREE....Not an apology....

  4. Yes, Lori is right.

    Pastors are human just like the rest of us and are just as capable, if not more from committing crimes and sinning.

    Just because they have the gift of the gab and can quote bible passages and dance, scream and shout and entertain people on a stage, this does not mean they are not capable of sins and committing crimes.

    Also, what is with the fast cars, holidays and extravagant living?

    A true man or woman of God lives a humble lifestyle, or maybe I am out of touch with this whole Christian thing.
