Thursday, October 14, 2010


The nation of Chile exploded in joy as the last of the trapped miners was hauled to the surface.

Squares in most towns were packed with people watching the drama unfold as rescuers first descended into the shattered San Jose mine, before bringing up each man one by one.

Chileans sounded car horns as they drove through the streets of the capital Santiago, waved the national flag and led chants of 'Chi Chi Chi, Le Le Le' as each miner emerged.

The exuberant crowd waved Chilean flags of all sizes and blew on red vuvuzelas as cars drove around the plaza honking their horns, their drivers yelling 'Long live Chile!'.

'The miners are our heroes,' said teary-eyed Maria Guzman, 45.

Church bells rang out across the country after each rescue and the country was glued to their television sets and giant screens throughout the incredible operation.

All 33 miners were brought to the surface in just over 24 hours as the world watched on.
The six-man rescue team then followed them, with the final man stepping out of the Phoenix 2 capsule at 4.33am.

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