Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Thew Insite keeps hearing one name over and over again when it comes to dirty tricks in Houston politics.  That man is based in Houston and is known for taking advantage of his own people to earn a quick buck.  That man is apparently up to it again.  He's putting out this fraudulent voter information card in the Black community.  It tells voters not to vote straight Democratic in the 2010 Midterm elections.  The card mislead the voter by claiming if they vote straight party ticket their vote won't be counted.  Who does something like that?  It's shameful and disgusting to attempt to intentionally mislead voters.  The person who I'm hearing put out this card does this in every election.  And I'm told he's man who's up for sale and will sell his own people out for the right price.  If I had solid proof, which I'm working on, I'd turn him into the Justice Department and demand an investigation.  If you see this phony card put out by a phony group called the Black Democratic Trust of Texas - just throw it in the trash!

Here's what the Houston Chronicle had to say about voting straight party ticket in 2008:

*Straight ticket voting is an option, not a requirement. It instantaneously registers votes for every candidate on the ballot affiliated with the party of the voter's choice.
• Voting straight ticket will record your vote for the presidential candidate of that party and for the party's candidates in all other contests. Rumors to the contrary are false.
• If you select the option and then cast a vote for a candidate from another party in a particular contest, that selection will override the "straight party" option only for that race.
• Voters can change any of their choices before pressing the "cast ballot" button. Check the "summary screen," which shows how all of the selections were recorded before pressing the "cast ballot" button.
• Voters who live in state Senate District 17 will see that race at the beginning of the ballot, before the straight ticket option, which will not apply to that contest, in which four Republicans and two Democrats are running.

1 comment:

  1. It is so sad that people can be so easily misled. As a child, I remember my Great Grandmother saying: Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. I try to live by that. If I have a question, I either: 1. Ask someone of whom I am confident has the answer (even if they don't ~ at least acknowledge it). 2. I do my homework and research. Unfortunaely so many take the easy way out and rely on someone else to keep them informed. Read People!!! The Internet and books are powerful tools!
