Sunday, October 31, 2010


There was a time when people would not tell you who they voted for in a political race.  But now politics is like a lifestyle for some.

That leads me to my brief encounter last week.  I was chatting with a an African American man who's part of a union and very politically active here in Houston.  He identifies himself as a committed Democrat.

However, what the voter told me was surprising.  He says when he went to the polls to vote early last week he left one column on the ballot blank.  He said he decided not to vote in the Governor's race in Texas.

That contest puts former Houston Mayor Bill White against incumbent Rick Perry.

I asked the man why he didn't vote for White if he's a committed Democrat.  That man says in simple terms he could never forgive White for snubbing President Barack Obama when he came to Texas a few months.

That man is essentially saying he's willing to sacrifice the top seat in Texas government because of his perceived disrespect of the President.

That is the tone I'm hearing from lots of African Americans who in some cases are pinching their nose for that bad smell as they reluctantly vote for Bill White in the Governor's race.

The political consultants I've talked with say White made the right move by avoiding Mr. Obama.  They say if he would've appeared with the President it would've been ammunition for Perry to tie the former Mayor to Washington and big government.  Rick Perry did that anyway.

But the end result is the possibility that White will loose a crucial part of the Democratic base - African  American voters who just have not been able to forgive him for avoiding the first African American president.

White currently trails Perry in all current polls in the gubernatorial race.

By full disclosure White has said he simply had another commitment when the President was in Texas.

What do you think?

Meanwhile, White spent Saturday going from door to door in various neighborhoods.  He's trying to seal the deal for the big election on Tuesday.

Thanks to Torrey 'T-Dub' Walker for snapping these photos!


  1. people are too worried about the idea of "respect" and "disrespect". It doesn't matter when you get down to it. Excluding someone like white for a perceived "snub" of Obama is insanity. Why do you cut off your nose to spite your face?

  2. I have been hearing the same thing from younger voters who have no idea why he did it, they assumed he did not support the President. I've been informing them why he did it and asking how they even heard about it and not know the full story. Could it be that some local news stations didn't tell the full story?? I don't think so because everyone young I talked to heard it from "someone". This rumor is traveling to people that don't really follow politics.

  3. I have to agree with White's move. Come on, purposely snubbing the President who is also Democrat? Think people... Even if you're not happy about White's move, do you really want Perry in office again??

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The pitfalls of politics! No matter how cold and calculating a candidate's actions may be, it can and never will be able to measure the human conscious. Bill White's snubbing of President Obama is endemic of the examples of disrespect displayed across the country by some politicians within his own party. Those who are willing to accept White's "scheduling conflict" show a lack of how savvy political machines operate. Schedules are routinely changed based on the priority of enhancing a candidate's favorability in the eye of the public. White's handlers made a calculated decision to avoid the Presidential appearance for fear that Perrys' camp would bash him as that ominous "cozy political insider." As IC pointed out, they did it anyway. And sadly, of the $15M in statewide advertisement spent by White, none specifically addresses his support of the President or his progressive agenda for the country. That agenda includes Texas.
    White's actions to distance himself was purely political in nature and that decision will ultimately be very damaging.  However, there are those who have taken the opportunity to use the current issues of joblessness, economic stresses and healthcare as convenient excuses to shield their real motivation of racial prejudice against the one who holds the most powerful political office in America. To underestimate or marginalize the cultural pride of an entire race is indicative of what these last few will do in their continued incessant quest to foster a sense of superiority. Thankfully, the majority of all Americans do not lend support to this kind of political discourse of disrespect, fear and phobia that has unfortunately infected our local, state and national political process. 

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I guess racism doesnt trump politics.

  6. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bill is toast. He shouldn't have disrespected the first black President. He wanted to be right in the middle of Dr. King and President Obama for Black history month now he wants to run. Well run without my support because I refuse to vote for you and I'm a democrat. Sorry Bill.

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    what a stupid comment left at 4:11 pm above... White's decision had nothing to do with race. He knew damn well if he met Barry at the airport it wouldbe used in TV ads against him as a socialist sympathizer (which White is...see murdering refugees he welcomed to Houston). As it turns out, Perry met Barry, gave him a letter on illegals, and won hands down.
