Thursday, December 15, 2011


Judge Susan Brown on the bench
A Harris County judge says she's had enough of the circus show in her courtroom.

That comment came after District Judge Susan Brown called a team of special prosecutors and defense attorneys back into her courtroom Thursday afternoon.

The judge was approached after an earlier hearing by some members of a grand jury who are looking into  problems surrounding the Houston Police Department's Breath Alcohol Testing Vans.

Those jurors told the judge the boyfriend or husband of a witness secretly snapped pictures of them while they were sitting in a court hearing earlier in the day.

One of the jurors said, "he knows all of  proceedings are suppose to be secret."

The judge told the attorneys representing that witness, Assistant District Attorney Rachel Palmer, she's had enough and it most stop.

Brown also said someone has been posting the name of the grand jury foreman on several blogs.

The man taking the pictures was identified as a prominent Houston attorney.

That grand jury is investigating claims the Harris County District Attorney may have retaliated against a former HPD Crime Lab supervisor who said the BAT vans analysis equipment was faulty..

The panel also wants to know if the D.A.'s office knew there were problems with the so called B.A.T. vans.

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