Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Ray Hunt
In a recent letter to supporters Harris County District Attorney Pat Lykos said a group of law enforcement unions went after her because of politics. 
Lykos also said she was the target of a no confidence vote because she'd recently prosecuted three police officers.

Here's how Houston Police Officers' Union vice president Ray Hunt rssponded:

Harris County District Attorney and former Harris County Criminal District Court Judge Pat Lykos is at it again. In an effort to detract conservatives from her staunch support of criminal defendants over the interest of hard working law abiding citizens she attacks law enforcement officers and marginalizes their very legitimate issues by claiming it’s the attacks of union bosses.

What’s honestly at issue is the HPOU and other professional law enforcement organizations have come forward to say the “Empress is Naked.”

As distasteful as that analogy is on all fronts, it is true.

Pat Lykos
District Attorney Pat Lykos like the leopard, doesn’t change its spots. As a sitting Harris County Criminal District Judge she was a hard-working street officers worst nightmare. Her courtroom demeanor was rude and embarrassing. She was weak on crime as a judge and is now in the cat bird’s seat as our District Attorney with her hand on the wheel regarding who gets criminally charged.

Since Lykos was sworn in, top shelf career prosecutors have been forced to jump ship because the unprofessional criminal defendant friendly environment of the DA’s office was too much to stomach.

It is our contention that Lykos is not only an ineffective and weak prosecutor of criminals she is a world class hypocrite In her screed to Republicans on her website, she outright lies about her offer to establish a liaison with HPOU. If she were honest and not a career politician she would have said, I offered to establish a liaison with HPOU so long as they cancelled a news conference advising of a no confidence vote.

In order to elevate her standing with conservatives she used bold type to highlight that the three criminal cases involving former HPOU board members in their official capacities were successfully prosecuted during her watch. Lykos is correct that three of our former board members violated our organizations and memberships’ trust and committed criminal acts. What she failed to clarify is that HPOU was the complainant and brought the case to the D.A.’s office for prosecution. Further, the HPOU praised the prosecutors working the cases at 2 different meetings and planned to present awards to them in December, but their schedules did not permit it.

Interestingly enough, Lykos in her zeal to beat up law enforcement’s opposition to her via her shot regarding prosecuting three former board members, must have forgotten that a former trusted employee of hers was also prosecuted for stealing tens of thousands of dollars during her watch and received probation, not jail.
Make no mistake, the criminal defense bar and the defendants they represent are solidly in Pat Lykos re-election corner.

Lykos is a long time politician who is out of touch with conservatives who believe that the District Attorney needs to be a true believer in justice and a strong advocate for those who are victims of crime. Lykos is neither. Lykos is a hypocrite of the highest order.

The Unclaimed Awards
UPDATE: District Attorney Pat Lykos says one of the reasons members of the Houston Police Officers' Union are not supporting her is because she prosecuted three police officers during her tenure.  Ray Hunt with the union calls that a lie.  He offers a photo as proof.  Hunt says on November 9, before they held a press conference to show their lack of confidence in Lykos, they had plans to honor two members of her staff.  Those honors were going to be presented to the two assistant district attorneys who prosecuted those Houston Police officers.  However, Hunt says after their no confidence press conference those assistant district attorneys said their schedules did not allow them the time to pick up the awards.  So those awards are still sitting at HPOU headquarters today!

1 comment:

  1. So if Pat Lykos is not telling the truth there is something very wrong with your statement. Your no confidence vote was in November, your plaques are dated December 2011. Oooops
