Wednesday, January 04, 2012


It was Tuesday when some North Forest Independent School District police officers said they were forced to patrol in the cold after their interim police chief ordered them to remove their jackets while on duty. 

Those allegations came after the officers say they didn't have on their department designed patches for their jackets. 

Chief Larry Patrick insists the Insite received only half the story.  Here's the response from NFISD:

“All NFISD officers are issued cold weather jackets, windbreakers and rain gear.  When I became interim chief in May of 2011, I made changes to the uniforms and patches.  During the Christmas break, I asked officers to make the patch changes to their winter jackets, which are now in use.  At a meeting at the high school Tuesday, I asked all the officers who had not made the change and who were working as school resource officers that day—meaning they were inside the building, not on patrol, during their shift—to give us their jackets for 90 minutes so they could have the correct patch put on at the district’s expense.  At no time were officers working outside without jackets.  No officers were required to pay for the patches.”

Larry Patrick
Interim Chief
NFISD Police Department 

Note: The officers who contacted the Insite are drafting a response to the chief's statement.  They say Tuesday's blog post was accurate and they deny the claims being made by Chief Patrick. They also deny having department issued jackets.  I've placed an open records request from North Forest requesting that information.

The Insite will keep you updated!


  1. This employee is upset she has to get in the field and is doing the work of the previous chief that was canned by the district. She was asked to remove those patches the week before. She was offered to have the patches put her her uniform for free. Isaiah go to UofH and see just why she aint there anymore. LOL nosides

  2. So timid, these officers. Children needs protection from them, they are receiving tax payers money to do their job and they are upset about a stupid jacket. This story seems to be a bit shady.

  3. This is ridiculous this employee has been disgruntle since the previous chief was oust out and now he is using her to do his dirty work. When he (the former chief holland jones)first came to North Forest he called all of his employees stupid and dumb and said no one else want to work with a bunch of dummies. He hired a transistion team who he allowed to com in and talk down to people and after he got what he wanted from them, he forced them out the door. Then he brought in his 2nd transition team who kicked trash cans at employees, used racists slurs, threathened employees extra jobs and told his employees if he found out they knew something and didn't tell him, he could not trust them and would find a way to get rid of them. Now he has this particular employee fighting his battles, but where was he (the big time lawyer)when allegations was brought against him? Could he not fight his own battle and try to keep his job. Nooooooo but he is using this employee to do his dirty work and she is too dumb to see this. Well let's just say her career is OVER because his law firm can't hire her because he has no clients. Who's fooling who? Look at both track records of these employees, he has cause precinct 7 to be under investigation because of a female officer he pushed through the fto program whom he had relations with and the north forest employee who brought reported this story was fired from u of h police dept because of integrity. Isiah before you go around reporting false information look at the real fact. There's a old say "the dog that's bring the bone is the one carrying the bone."
    LOL three times ova...ijs

  4. Speaking of unworthy news. Did you know that Blacks/African Americans in the past were called negroes. No pain taken... And don't forget the words United Negro College Funds that I donate to and the NAACP. Are these words wron to say I say and write this Group Name over and over. Why is this NEWS!
