Sunday, June 11, 2006



Music sensation and king of R&B in Houston Scott Gertner fires back at what he calls a baseless claim. This comes after a poster claims Gertner and his management didn't want blacks working at his new Sports bar. The Insite immediately got in touch with Gertner who was gracious enough to respond. Now The Insite had a chance to actually visit the sports bar last Sunday on Fountainview and saw a diverse mix of employees that included African Americans. So I wanted to make sure Mr. Gertner had a chance to address this issue publicly to put it to rest. Here is the first poster's comments followed by Gertner's response. If you have a say on this issue click the comment section.

misskreo said...

I'm not sure if you are aware of Scott Gertner and his manager who manages both the Sky Bar and the Sports Bar views on black. But, apparently they are both very racists and they do not want black bartenders or black waitresses to work at the Sports Bar. Not really sure what the reason is behind it. It amazes me that white people can have such a black following and make them plenty of money, but they do not want to have us as employees. It maybe something you want to follow up on Isiah. Granted, those places maybe a great hang out spot, but do we really want to give our hard earned money to white racists? I know I will never frequent any of their establishments, ever.

hey isiah,

i am in shock! i would like to confront this person........ just go to the sports bar or skybar any day of the week (unannounced) and look for yourself. they apparently don't know me.
unbelievable.............. a true hater!
i really would like to meet this person!
continued success to you and tell everyone at the station hello for me.....

scott gertner


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM


    Hey bro who are you trying to fool?? The whole world knows Bobby Brown is the King of R&B

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Now that's really funny...But Scott rules Houston while Bobby ruled the long past 1980's.

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    sounds like the first poster wasn't hired and had to scream rasicm.

  4. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Please, I have attended both the skybar and the sports bar and the staff is mixed with african-american, hispanic, and caucasion. If I'm not misataken he has more african-american staff than any other race. His band for one is predominately african-american. I don't understand this call card on racist. whoever this is stop hating on king scott, is very obvious this person is jeolous..stop the madness

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    The staffing is mixed, the band is predominantly African American, no one associated with the business is a racist, no one acts in a racist way.

    misskreo, who is the person making these accusations has no basis in fact for the accusations. I don't want to speculate on her motives, she is just wrong. I saw at least 3 black waitresses at the Sports Bar.

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    It is common for people to cry racism and then not provide any real evidence. There never seems to be any recourse for the person who was wrongly called a racist. Hell, if a person cries rape and it is later found out that they was lying they will at least charge the person who lied.

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The insite asked Scott Gertner for a comment to the post about he and his manager allegedly being racists, of course he said he isn't , and maybe he isn't. But, to my knowledge, do racists really go around telling other black people that they do not like black people? You may want to talk to some of the people that work for him. But, of course, they may not be completely honest either for fear of losing their job. I love the Sky Bar too, but, you never know what people's hearts are filled with. We can't always judge a book by its cover. Just because he has black people working for him, doesn't mean he likes them. I know I don't want to give my money to anyone who doesn't respect me because of my race. I think that is what misskreo was trying to express. Not because she or he is hating.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I have known Scott for many years. He has always treated me with respect. I know the blount of racist and racism. I know because as a young person, I truly believe that I have fought more against and battled racism alot more than other's. I do not believe that Scott is a racist, because one thing about racist, they do not hang around Black folks like Scott do.............

    Keep playing your music Scott and bringing good entertainment to Houston....

    J.M."Smokie" Phillips, Jr., President, Afro-American Sheriff's Deputy's League

  9. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Racism means judging a person by their race and not by their individual character. I think everyone is racist to a certain degree EVEN TOWARD THEIR OWN RACE. They assume things without getting to know that person. Why do you think "black clubs" play "black music". If you don't fit in go somewhere else. We'll never get rid of it, it is human nature, just like eating, sleeping, crying, laughing etc. When racism gets hateful or violent that is when we ALL have a problem. Stop expecting the world to be perfect, it never will be.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I have worked for Scott since 1993..... You are wrong!!
    You do not know him or management.
    If you did, then you would not have made such a statement.

    Melanie C

  11. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Scott Gertner racist??? You gotta be kidding. Someone just doesn't like his white manager, is that it? Why doesn't the racist instigator call the NAACP and complain. Newsflash -- Scott Gertner doesn't hire black people. I'd love to hear their response. But to create a poster to defame, then have people start taking potshots on Internet posts? That's wrong. I wouldn't put up with it if I were Scott.

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    White boys that are married to black girls couldn't possibly RASCIST now could they?

  13. Anonymous5:07 AM

    to da light: check here...realize the dress code is the same as the city of houston court system. thanks for the laugh.

    City Of Houston Municipal Courts Dress Code;

    “Unacceptable attire includes:
    * Shorts, cut-offs, baggy pants, flip-flop style shoes, or hats.
    * Muscle shirts, T-shirts, clothing indicating gang affiliation or other clothing with offensive, vulgar, racist, sexist, obscene, suggestive words, slogans, depictions, or pictures. Shirts that are torn, dirty, and ragged will not be allowed.”

    Scott Gertner’s Sports Bar Live Dress Code:

    Unacceptable attire includes:
    • Cut-offs, baggy pants, head gear, bandannas or head stockings, helmets.
    • Muscle shirts, clothing indicating gang affiliation or other clothing with offensive, vulgar, racist, sexist, obscene, suggestive words, slogans, depictions, or pictures. Shirts that are torn, dirty or ragged and long men's shirts past the knees or longer will not be allowed.

  14. Anonymous4:43 AM


    SPEAKING OF RACIST, WHY WOULD YOUR COMMENT STATE: " White Boys married to Black Women" WHY NOT WHITE MEN MARRIED TO BLACK WOMEN. AND ANOTHER QUESTION; IF YOU HAVE OVERHEARD RACIST COMMENTS, why don't you call the NAACP and complain. I'd love to hear their response. They would laugh at you just as we are.

  15. Anonymous8:15 PM

    What can I say? Scott Gertner has had more beautiful black women than Essence! I should know. He really knows how to treat a Sister- and her family (Smile!) I never imagined myself in an interracial relationship until he came along. We'll always be friends. He isn't me!

    That's my final answer
