Monday, February 18, 2008



The Insite made a stop by the 'pink office' of newly elected City Council Member Jolanda Jones. She takes the at-large post once held by Michael Berry. The buzz around city hall was that Jones had painted her office pink. So what better way to find out than to just go there. To my surprise the office was actually pink when I arrived. Jones also repositioned her space to ensure her chief of staff had a window view of Bagby just like her. When you walk into the office you get a sense that those who work there enjoy their jobs. Jones describes what used to be several cubicles and beige walls as the fun office. But don't get it twisted, there's still a lot of work going on there according to staffers. Jones says helping constituents in the community is also a lot of fun. Her staffers also chime in saying, "this is the fun office." I asked Jones, who's an attorney by trade and ham by nature, to take some photos. She didn't hesitate. I also invited her staffers to get into the photos. Pictured from Jones' staff: Linda Layton (Agenda Director), Guillermo Trevino (Constituent Director), Mechelle Phillips, and Patricia McFarland (Chief of Staff). Hey guys, thanks for dropping by the Insite!


  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Wow, thats a nice office. I hear that she is a good boss. She has a top notch team.

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I hope my tax dollars didnt pay for that paint. This is really stupid on her part.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Yes, your tax dollars paid for her nice pink walls... and her nice pink business cards. There's a reason why most Council Members stick with baige walls. :)

  4. Anonymous11:29 PM

    I wanna know more about the woman in the grayish blue sweater.

  5. Anonymous11:31 PM

    No, I've already got dibs on her. She's mine in my imaginary world.

  6. Jolanda fought hard to get on council. She's been working on it for years, I'm glad to see her excited about helping the people.

  7. Hey why is there only one guy on her staff and does having short hair give you and extra advantage with her in the selection process.

    But anyway, I don't care that my tax dollars went for a couple gallons of pink paint if that is what Jolanda wants.

    She seems really energized and ready to serve and that is all what I want to see. Just some advice? Please try and answer your phone and reply to your constituents in a timely fashion.

    I know that council woman can't be everyplace at everytime, but other officials after getting into office get so comfortable that they forget who placed them in that office in the first place.

    I hope that you don't become another one of them who will do stuff just because its an election year or you wait for the media to shine light on it. This position of leadership you have been for so many years been abused and not taken seriously.

    So enjoy your new office and staff, because if other people complain about your pink wall job then thats ok.. Tell them JOLO paid for it.

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    and by the way, pink is my favorite color also.

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Nice human interest story. Great to see highly motivated public servants excited about doing their jobs - serving the people - and that seems what the Jolanda Jones team and the Councilmember herself seem to be. More power to them and the people are the beneficiaries of their efforts.

    Folks, who really gives a flying fig who paid for the paint. Really are more important things to get your panties in a wad than the expenditure for a couple of gallons of latex. Where was this type outrage when the previous occupant of the office and his staff were running all over the place trying to get their name and pixs in the society pages. Come on - get a grip. Be thankful that there are talented folk like Jolanda and her people who will even offer themselves for public service.

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Your tax dollars are going to be used for a soccer stadium that we don't need right now so a few well connected folks can secure their financial futures. Why don't we spend the money on recruiting more officers by making their salaries more competitive with other cities in Texas?

    Anyway, a couple of gallons of pink paint used in an office that was going to be repainted anyway is not a big deal against the back drop of public safety.

  11. 15 million dollars of our money going to buy land for teh Dynamo stadium.. SO sickening that we tax payers are footing the bill once again. That 15 million dollars sure could go along way in lets see increasing city employees nationally ranked low salaries, Hmm more police,, hmmm more things that would benefit all tax payers.

    Relaint Stadium and Minute maid park is not benefiting me waht so ever. I must pay big money just to go inside of what my tax dollars paid for.

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Is JO really Ghetto?
    read her bio at

    and I just have two questions, do you have to use the word ghetto in your bio? and will you change you photo. I still like the pic

  13. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "Tell them JOLO paid for it."

    8:01 AM

    I don't think Home Depot takes the Lonestar card JOLO!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Looks like a truckload of Peptobismol crashed into her office!!! Either that or that crazy sheriff from Phoenix decorated her office.
