Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Benji’s Academy won a battle today when U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison continued the case until Thursday.

The lawsuit, filed by 13 parents of disabled students of Benji’s Special Educational Academy, maintains that the decision by the Texas Education Agency and it’s Commissioner to close Benji’s violates the rights of students with disabilities.

Benji’s spokesperson Richard Johnson says “this case is about a community fighting to speak up for children who cannot speak for themselves.” Johnson says “these students were bullied and failed to succeed at previous schools but have been not just learning but thriving at Benji’s. We will continue to fight to keep the doors open for special needs children of Northeast Houston.

The parents and their lawyers will be back in court on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and anticipate a large show of support from the community.
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1 comment:

  1. I went to benjis academy i wasnt doing my best but Benjis academy has changed my life befor i was making f's now im on the road of a b hornor roll.... benjis changed my life... it hurt to see it closed down... ms robinson has been the best and shes doing her best..... HELP KEEP BENJIS ACADEMY ALIVE!!!!!
