Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Gunshots were fired Tuesday morning on the University of Texas campus in Austin after an initial report of someone bringing a gun to one of the libraries.
Austin Police say 19-year-old UT student Colton Joshua Tooley brought an AK-47 into the building and apparently killed himself.
Following the shooting, law enforcement officers had conducted a search for a second suspect, but later determined there was not a second suspect and that Tooley acted alone.
The 19-year-old math major entered Perry-CastaƱeda Library wearing dark clothes and a ski mask.
Earlier Tuesday, a spokeswoman for UT police said there were reports of someone bringing a gun to PCL, the main library in the intersection of East 21st Street and Speedway. She later said the man used an automatic weapon later identified by officials as an AK-47.
KTBC reporter Jenni Lee said Tuesday morning the man with the gun shot himself to death. UT police found a body on the 6th floor of the library.
Classes at the University of Texas were canceled Tuesday as of 9:46 a.m., according to a message posted on the UT website. An earlier message posted at 9:01 a.m. had recommended students to stay in place and lock their doors. Before 11 a.m., an updated message urged people not already on campus to not travel toward campus.
Another KTBC report indicated the loud speaker system was used to alert students during the incident.
The Perry-Castaneda Library will be considered an active crime scene for investigators.

1 comment:

  1. No offense, but why are their so many psychos in the USA?

    Every other day some maniac is killing somebody. Goodness me.
