Wednesday, October 06, 2010


A 45-year-old man angry over two teens' sagging pants fired several shots at them during an argument, hitting one in the buttocks, police said.

Two male teens were walking to a house in southeast Memphis where a woman sells candy when Kenneth E. Bonds yelled at them to pull up their pants, police Sgt. Ron Perry said in an arrest document.
Perry said the teens refused and the three began arguing in the street. Bonds then brandished a semi-automatic pistol and threatened to shoot the teens.
Bonds fired one shot but missed, Perry said. As the teens ran away, Bonds fired several more rounds and hit a 17-year-old in the rear.
The bullet exited through the teen's thigh, and he went to a hospital in non-critical condition, Perry said. The other teen was not injured. The Associated Press isn't identifying the teens because they're juveniles.
Police arrested Bonds this past weekend on two aggravated assault charges after speaking with a witness and Bonds, who acknowledged shooting the teen, Perry said.
Bonds was released from jail Monday on $25,000 bond. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:41 AM


    more of these disgusting Black teens should be shot in the ass. No respect for anyone. They're thugs and should be treated as such!
