Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Fox 26 news has learned a former Houston attorney is now facing life in prison. 66 year old William Satterwhite is accused of passing himself off as an attorney even though prosecutors say he lost his license back in the 1990's. Satterwhite is now charged with falsely holding himself as attorney for the third time. Assistant Harris County district attorney Beth Shipley tells Fox the disbarred attorney's goal was to taken advantage of those who would pay him for legal services. It's believed Satterwhite mislead dozens of people with his alleged worthless legal representation. Shipley says there are victims as far away as New Mexico. Satterwhite is being held in the Harris County jail. For those who have been victimized prosecutors are asking you to call the Financial Crimes Division at the Harris County District Attorney's office. That number is 713-755-8333.

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1 comment:

  1. well, I'm sure he is not the first person to carry out this deception.

    I was introduced to a guy who gives finanacial advice and gives loans etc, thankfully, the day I was supposed to go and meet him, my cousin and his family came round, so I was stuck because they live far away.

    Anyway, it turns out that this guy has actually been struck off from the FSA register and was found not to be fit and proper to conduct business in the finanacial services. Yet, this con artist was going around telling people he is an Independent Financial Adviser and somehow still trying to arrange loans for people.

    So many deceptive con artists walking the streets, people have to be careful.
