Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Here's an email sent out by Harris County Republicans.  Apparently, they feel it's time for Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia to go:

Name an issue and you'll find Sylvia Garcia and Barack Obama agree on it -- after all, she campaigned for him and continues to do so.

Obama's cuts at NASA
Sylvia Garcia continues to support Obama, despite his desire to  eviscerate our space program.
Sylvia Garcia thinks it's okay to force you to buy health insurance and take away your ability to choose your own doctor.

Obama's tax increases for all families
Despite his promises, Obama's policies will raise taxes for all families. Sylvia Garcia thinks that's okay -- after all, she continues to support Obama.

Obama's trillion dollar deficits
What's wrong with spending money we don't have and mortgaging the futures of our children and grandchildren? Sylvia Garcia thinks that's okay -- after all, she continues to support Obama.

On issue after issue, Sylvia Garcia walks in lockstep with Barack Obama.
Sylvia Garcia says one thing in the precinct but another on her frequent visits to Washington, D.C. Sylvia Garcia has her own liberal agenda.

But you do have an alternative this November...
Jack Morman

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