Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The Insite is hearing rumors Houston City Council Member Wands Adams has been harshly criticized.

The Insite has learned a supporter of Renew Houston allegedly sent a letter criticizing Adams and other African American elected officials for standing against Proposition 1.

Renew Houston is the organization that's pushing the proposal to address the drainage problem in Houston.

The issue is up for a vote in November.

A person who's with the organization sent Adams the letter today.

It alleges it will be her fault if the drainage problems in Houston are not addressed. That person also says the Black community lacks real leadership when it comes to Adams.

When contacted for a comment about the note Adams says I should read it and be the judge.

I'm hoping to get a copy of the letter and I will post it as soon as possible. Stay tuned.

Update:  The Letter

From: Bob Jones

To: "adamsforcitycouncil@yahoo.com" adamsforcitycouncil@yahoo.com

Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 4:09:49 PM

Subject: RE: Let's start over on Proposition 1

Dear Wanda,

 I am flabbergasted by the position that you and three of your fellow council members have taken on Proposition 1. Listening to your press conference last week and reading the editorial below confirms my concern that we do not have any leadership from our African American council members.

 The idea that you would all place your own political interests above the needs of the citizens of the City is appalling. Proposition 1 is the ONLY effort that I have seen in the past 40 years that provided a solution and help for ALL neighborhoods in the city.  This is your only chance to help your neighborhoods.  Without Prop 1, we will be back to small bond issues and no predictability to our system.  Most neighborhoods will be left out of the bond issues.

 The idea that you are concerned City Council has not adopted an ordinance detailing all of the things you want to know is comical.  That’s the job of city council.  In fact, it could have been the job of City council without the charter amendment, except for the fact that we don’t have a council, now or in the past, with any political will to solve these problems.  After this amendment passes, as a council member, you will be charged with the responsibility of determining how to set the rates and who, if anyone, you want to exempt within the limits of what the law allows.

 When your term is up and you haven’t provided a solution for your neighborhoods I’m sure that I will hear you say “It’s not my fault!” Right or wrong, your neighbors will continue to live on decaying streets without adequate drainage, and that will be your fault.

 Hopefully your community and your district will be able to find some leadership.  It is certainly lacking right now.

 Bob J. R. (Bob) Jones,



Houston, Texas 77081-1169

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