Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Rolling Out Magazine: One day after a statehouse rally in Georgia demanded Bishop Eddie L. Long's resignation due to alleged sexual improprieties, the mega-church pastor asked the court to toss out the lawsuits.

Bishop Long says he did give gifts, cars and paid for teenage men’s living expenses but denied he had ulterior motives such as coercing them into gay sex.On Monday, Nov. 1, Bishop Long, the pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta, filed a legal response to each of the four lawsuits filed against him by four young men.

Long requested that the four lawsuits be dismissed and judgment be entered in his favor.

In September, four young men — Maurice Robinson, Anthony Flagg, Jamal Parris and Spencer LeGrande — filed suits against Long and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. The young men claimed Long coerced them into having sex with him in exchange for lavish gifts, trips and jobs.

Bishop Eddie Long filed four lengthy responses, each about 30 pages long, denying each accusation point by point. He admitted that he took the men on trips, but denied the complaints of sexual contact. He did admit to hugging some of the men.

"Bishop Long admits that it is common among his church congregation for members to hug each other and hug the Bishop," the suit reads, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Long said he did give the plaintiffs gifts, including cars, and helped them financially, but he denied that it was in exchange for sex. He said he has "provided sporadic financial assistance," and he routinely pays for rent and other expenses for New Birth members, according to the filings.

"Bishop Long admits that he mentors many young men from challenged backgrounds who have often been without the benefit of a male role model," according to the filings.

Long also said in the filings in Dekalb County State Court that he is a "bold revolutionary spiritual leader [who places] special emphasis on outreach to men, reinforcing to men the importance of partnering with a ministry that will grow them spiritually."
–terry shropshire
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  1. I have long believed the majority if not ALL pastors are pedophiles and modern day pimps. These people use the words of GOD to intimidate and brainwash the weak, unfortunately, they do get them. Where in the world do you see a preacher/pastor living like a king with jeweleries all over his body, driving an expensive car, and living in a mansion like a king? Jesus himself never lived like that during his time, in fact, people/believers welcomed him to stay at their houses when he went to preach at other villages. These pimps chose to be pastors to preach the word, why NOT live like the real King in Jesus? Bare in mind, these people only preach and they are supposed to lead their lives like Jesus did. Church goers work their butts off to give 10% to these pimps, in return the pimps go molest their own children. The Catholic church after all seems to be clean as opposed to what has been exaggerated by people in the media. Pastors ain't nothing but modern day pimps....they should be hanged! Yes, I say hanged because would anybody agree to have their child molested by a public figure? All pastors should be checked by FBI and I guarantee you all, 90% of them would come up criminals. Remember, these are just men hiding in pastorial clothes, they have temptations just like any other men out there. It does NOT surprise me at all to hear that this dude (pimp) is accused of having sex with boys. And Yes, what is he gonna say, I did have sex with them? C'mon y'all....thy should NEVER ever trust thy pastors for they are evil and NOT trustworthy!

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Way to go Jay.....couldn't agree with you brother. Check some of the pastors or their aids who have abandoned their work to work in the church for a peanut salary. These people left their work because they know they can manipulate their ways around the church to get boys and other people's women for free, plus...they have ways of making more money in the church as opposed to being employed in an office and bore themselves to death. Modern day pimps use the church to get away with criminal activity they have craved for. Nice that you brought it up Jay...Pastors ain't woth anything for they are sinners, all of them.
