Monday, November 01, 2010


Since you all brought it up - what do you think of Joslyn Johnson's commercial for Rick Perry and against former Mayor Bill White?

12 minutes ago ·  ·  · Share

    • Nickey Ne'Shea Price I was shocked personally....I did not like it! makes me wonder???
      11 minutes ago ·  ·  5 people

    • Taya Watkins I wonder how much Perry's team paid her.
      10 minutes ago ·  ·  4 people

    • Georgia Randolph-Middleton who runs the borders? RICK or BILL
      10 minutes ago · 

    • Kimberly Justaboutready Smith Or put aside for her children's college funds. Anything else would be too obvious.
      9 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Troy Bonner Dick Perry used the Jedi mind trick on her......You know it only works on the weak minded!!
      9 minutes ago · 

    • Jessica Sanders Can you say PAYOLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      9 minutes ago · 

    • Linda Powers totally disappointed.
      9 minutes ago ·  ·  3 people

    • LaShonda Imatwodat Anderson thumbs down
      8 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Sheila Phillips Watch out now. Joslyn and Rodney (R.I.P) were and are coe-workers of mine. I don't know what that was about. All I could say was Hmmmmm. HA! The commerical just came on while I was typing this.
      8 minutes ago · 

    • Stephanie Goffney I didn't care for it. I don't even like to see the commercial.
      7 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Georgia Randolph-Middleton rick runs the borders there no border in houston,tx
      6 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Cindy M. Tyler Her husband rode by himself, I rode by myself in fifth ward at that, you cannot get complacent ever, no stop, no call is ever routine, they taught us that! I hate he lost his life but you never put someone in your car without searching them down to the brake pads!!!!! Bill White had a position and Rick Perry was in his position then what role did he play in border patrol and immigrants entering and exiting?
      6 minutes ago · 

    • Chrishelle Calhoun-Palay definitely think it was a combination deal made along with coercion....
      6 minutes ago · 

    • Tyrone Jackofalltradesmasterofnone Taylor I hate to say it, but her husband didn't follow proper procedure before he puth the guy in his vehicle, so it was more his fault than anyone!
      5 minutes ago · 

    • Nickey Ne'Shea Price ‎@ Taya that was the first thought that came to mind....she did not look like she was passionate about what she was saying....It was not believable....
      5 minutes ago · 

    • Rena Neal I think it a crappy thing to do, the feds tie the hands of the cops here and white gets blamed? Perry is more at fault for it then white, afterall he has been running the show and telling us how to live a lot longer then white. Its a nasty ad that shouldn't have aired! Rena
      4 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Toni Richard Can a sista say $$Politics$$
      4 minutes ago · 

    • Kimberly Shepherd Denman Last time I checked Rick Perry was governor and responsible for controlling the borders. How far is Houston from the border?
      4 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Hazel Tyler looks like she has spent most of her money and will do anything now, for some cash....looks like she didnt get paid like she thought she should have, cuz he was on his cell phone seconds before his probably found ways to cut some of her benenfit me, its always about money
      3 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Sandra Puente He's a total hypocrite because the agency HE is in charge of, DPS, has the same exact policy as the City of Houston. He is just playing on anti-Hispanic sentiments.
      about a minute ago · 

    • Toni Richard Aint no call like a "political Booty Call" and Im no liberal
      about a minute ago · 


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Rick nor Bill has done anything for minorities. There is no choice. We are not in her shoes this is personal and political so what.

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I support her 100% and I didn't need to see the commercial to know there was no way in hell Billy was getting my vote!

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I think this sister did great! Why is it that a black brother or sister cant support someone other than a freaking democrat. What has the white controlled democrat party done for black american? What have some of those black folks in office done for black america. NOT A DAMN THING.....She did what her heart told to do.

  4. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Can we say, it's all about the money. This is so sad that she would stoop to this level of hypocrisy.

  5. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I'm late on this but that commercial was DISGUSTING and I only pray that 5 years from now, she look back at this and regret it.
