Wednesday, December 08, 2010


It is probably the toughest and harshest criticism Mayor Annise Parker has taken since becoming Mayor of Houston. In a live interview Wednesday Houston City Council member Mike Sullivan said, "after 11 or 12 months of watching her she has no clue what she's doing." This comes just a day after Mayor Parker asked Sullivan to step down as head of the city's redistricting committee. Rumors have dogged Parker over the last 24 hours that Sullivan, a Conservative, was replaced because the Mayor was attempting to draw a majority Gay district. A claim Parker has denied to the press. Sullivan in the interview also said he was told by the Mayor he was being sent to Siberia for not supporting her on a Port Commission vote. Sullivan went on to say he believes the public needs to know the city is in such bad shape financially under Parker's reign that the wheels could fall off...Jessica Michan with the Mayor's office says they're not responding to Sullivan's comments!
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  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It is numerically impossible to create a majority gay district. What the Hell are people talking about a majority gay district?

    Maybe it's petty to talk about how you tag posts, but if something doesn't exist and can't exist, why tag it? Should we expect you to start tagging blog posts as Bigfoot or Sasquatch?

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I totally agree! She doesnt know what the HELL she is doing!She is a one term like Obama.

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    News flash: Montrose, Texas isn't GLBT anymore. WTF does she want? a Gerrymandered district stretching from Medical Center to The Woodlands?

  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Sullivan fails to make public the fact that he had promised to vote for Dean Corgey (the mayor's choice for port commissioner), before being pressured by his party (day of the vote) to change his vote for Longoria. Sullivan also fails to acknowledge the fact that he voted for the very budget he’s now criticizing, and voted against a proposal to reduce council’s budget. He needs to pick a side and stick with it.

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    So, what would be wrong with a gay district?

    They need represention too, and besides they seem to be happy and having fun all the time.

    Maybe we all can use some of their happiness and fun loving spirit.

    As for the mayor not knowing what's she doing, it hard to keep up when all the problems mayor white left behind keep topping up, and people are not telling her what's really going on. The mayor would be better off if she fire everyone left from mayor's white team.

  6. This might be newsworthy if: The person making the charges was credible and had something he/she had introduced that had helped solve some/any problem in the City of Houston and 2) while I realize that continually throwing the GLBT card around guarantees a reaction from certain folks and possibly shows intent on the part of the blog owner, has anyone thought that when we start guaranteeing districts to certain groups of the population, we also start discriminating against others.
