Thursday, November 17, 2011


The battle over health insurance for retirees in Harris County is heating up.  It was two months ago when the Harris County Commissioners' Court decided to charge retirees for health insurance they were previously given free.  It will not cost the former workers $115 a month.  Over the last few weeks I have told you how this affects retired deputies but I've received emails saying all of the retired employees in Harris County will be affected.  In the past County officials have said they simply can't afford to subsidize free health insurance for retirees.  Those retirees plan to attend a commissioner's meeting in December so their voices can be heard.  Here's one of the letter's I've received at the Insite:
Mr. Carey,
...Please note that this will apply to ALL HARRIS COUNTY RETIREES under the age of 65, not just  law enforcement agencies.
I hope you can help all of us that have retired from Harris County and are under the age of 65.  We should not be discriminated against due to our age!
I have attached a copy of a court order from Harris County Commissioners Court from 9/26/2006 that I, along with all other retirees, understood to read that our insurance would be paid at 100% along with our dependents at 50% due to being "Grand fathered" (retiring before 2/28/11.)
We are only asking for what we believe is due us!!  We worked hard, many of us were LONG TERM employees of Harris County, and are now getting "the shaft."  (I worked for 30 years, my husband for 27 1/2 years).  I can only expect that others that are still working for H.C. will now be detoured from retiring, as it will cost them $115.00 monthly to do so!
I've written a letter to County Judge Ed Emmet and the four Commissioners and to-date have only received one response from Commissioner Pct 4, simply saying that he has passed my concerns and suggestions on to David Kester.  (I do not expect for David Kester to do what I, along with the other retirees, consider the "RIGHT THING."
David Kester, Director, Harris County Human Resources and Risk Management, (713) 755-5586.  Please put him on the HOT BURNER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd love to see this story GO BIG!!!  We have NO ONE in our corner.....I hope YOU will take that challenge!!
Although I am not retired law enforcement, I plan on being at Commissioners Court 12/6/11!!  I hope you can encourage ALL RETIREES to attend court.  This will more than likely be our ONLY shot!  Open enrollment for RETIREES begin November 28th....BEFORE WE HAVE A CHANCE TO CHANGE THINGS IN COURT!
Due to the fact that my household will now have to put out an additional $230.00 per month for insurance (as I already pay for 2 dependents), I may have to go back to H.C. and get a job; therefore, I need to stay anonymous in this story; however, I'd be glad to talk to you about the matter!  I WORKED THERE FOR 30 YEARS, AND THIS IS HOW THEY WANT TO TREAT ME!!  Sad.  Very, very sad!


  1. Free health insurance? Just like the free insurance that the citizens cover for the guys in Washington.....just not right. Everyone should have to pay some or all of their health care premiums. No one shoulbd be exempt. Any promises of such should be investigated. No way!

  2. Regardless of your thoughts about whether or not this is fair, it was still promised to the county employees. Now that the county can't afford it, they need to stop it for the current employees but leave it for those already retired!

  3. Work hard to find out you were just a number. tom wade
