Thursday, December 22, 2011


Mathew Knowles and his daughter Beyonce'

Last month, Eurweb reported that Cathy Hughes’ cable channel TV One was suing the BET Network, MTV and Music World Music for violating its exclusive rights to the Essence Music Festival.

Mathew Knowles’ Music World Music is listed in the lawsuit because his company brokered the deal for the Essence Music Festival broadcast with TV One. His company is being accused of re-issuing the content to BET, MTV and BET’s Centric Network despite TV One’s four-year exclusivity agreement.
Cathy Hughes

Now, EURweb has learned that TV One’s sister company, Radio One, has pulled all of Knowles’ Music World songs and artists from their radio stations nationwide.

Eurweb also reports All Radio One personnel were told to pull all Music World artists out of rotation immediately and indefinitely! We were told that the mandate came straight from Ms. Hughes and that there would be ramifications for anyone playing or mentioning a Music World artist or song on air,” a Radio One employee, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, told us.

Meanwhile, several calls to Radio One’s Senior Vice President of Programming Content, Jay Stevens, for comment, were not returned.

Removing all of Music World’s songs and artists potentially creates a financial loss for Knowles, whose company primarily focuses on gospel music currently.

“Radio One owns at least 12 gospel stations across the country - that’s the majority. It’s hard for artists to sell CD’s without radio airplay! Right now Music World definitely isn’t getting any from Radio One,” the source explained.

Read the full article here:

1 comment:

  1. I know Cathy and when she bought for first AM Station no one helped her or gave her anything. She is one smart woman/business woman. And it looks like IKE TURNER KNOWLES wanted to pull a fast one on her. Way to go Cathy...Hope you sue the pass off of his cheating black ass.
