Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Manuel Rodriguez
Students, teachers, and voters of Texas' largest school district – including students from every high school in Rodriguez’s district – will continue the fight against the homophobic and reprehensible actions of HISD District III Trustee Manuel Rodriguez Thursday, December 8th, at 4:30 p.m., in front of the Houston Independent School District Administration Building at 4400 West 18th Street.

Rodriguez displayed what the Houston Chronicle called "appalling homophobia" in his recent bid for re-election to the Board by distributing campaign literature that encouraged citizens of the district to vote against his challenger, Ramiro Fonseca, simply because he is gay. He also questioned why his challenger, a man who has worked in several capacities as a longtime community advocate and activist in Houston's East End, would want "access to our children" as a trustee of our school district. After these revelations of his bigotry against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community of his district, constituents voted against Rodriguez on Election Day. However, Rodriguez had enough of a lead from early voting and mail ballots, before showing his true face, that he still managed a slim 25-vote margin of victory.

Residents of the District voiced their outrage at the HISD School Board meeting two days after the election, and will return Thursday to continue to demand that HISD prohibit on its board the homophobic attacks that it prohibits in its schools. When anti-bullying is a top priority for the Texas House and Senate, and when suicides among LGBT teens are on the rise, it is simply unacceptable that a sitting Trustee of the state's largest school district engage in such damaging hateful actions. Students from the Gay-Straight Alliances of the two high schools in District III, Chavez and Milby, will be in attendance at therally, adding their voices to the calls for action from the HISD Board.

We demand a Trustee for District III who will represent and protect ALL of the students in his or her district, and who will not engage in the bullying behavior that he or she purports to condemn.


  1. he's right we do need to PROTECT our children from this type of LIFE STYLE.

  2. He is RIGHT we need to keep this type of LIFE STYLE TEACHINGS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS.

    Being GAY isn't OK

  3. Wow, HATE is NEVER ok!

  4. Hate is what is not ok! Love grows kids! Change old mindsets- kickout close minds! Im not saying gay is ok, but I know for sure Prejudice is not the way to go. CHANGE happens with one! either way for good or bad!

  5. Get him out! We need to protect our students from a close minded life style! A persons sexuality should not matter what should matter is that our students receive an A + education! This man is pure ignorance and should be fired and sued! Studies show most men who are homophobic are scared of their own sexuality...why should he care If his opponent is gay?? Do he lust for him?! He should be worried if the man will do a better job! I would want my children educated by a open minded gay then an ignorant closed minded straight anyday

  6. @fireskater "gay isn't ok"....no you & every other homophobe isn't ok! You guys worry about ppl lives like you pay their bill and support them more than you do your owns..
