Friday, January 06, 2012


Press Conference at Thompson Elementary School

What you expect to see on the campus of an elementary school: children playing and learning.

But you never expect to hear the type of story this mom, who we are calling Pam, is about to tell you.
"My son told me that he was molested on the school bus."

What's even more shocking in this bizarre story at Thompson Elementary -- those who allegedly sexually assaulted Pam’s 8-year-old special-needs son are also special-needs students.

Mother of sex assault victim 'Pam'
"He told me two kids, two 10-year-olds, molested him on the school bus, and the bus driver wasn't listening, and she wasn't paying attention to him," the mom, who we are calling Pam, said.

Those two boys have been arrested and charged with sexual assault, their parents said.

But what adds insult to injury – Pam said she didn't learn of her son's alleged victimization until a week after it happened.

And it gets worse.

"When they notified me, my son was already at home sick,” Pam said. “They sent a letter home saying he was being suspended from school for inappropriate behavior on the bus."

She turned to local community activist Quanell X for help because here is where this case takes another twist.

She said the detectives investigating the sexual assault turned their attention to her as a parent.

"Now law enforcement is investigating her and this mother to see if the children learned this behavior from them,” Quanell X said. “Her child is the victim in this case."

“This mother” refers to the mother of one of the suspects in the sexual assault. She refused to talk or address any questions about her son.

The Houston Independent School District released the following statement:

“On August 30, 2011, the Houston ISD transportation department was asked to review general conditions on a school bus that transports students with special needs from Thompson Elementary School. As part of this review, HISD officials viewed security videos from the bus. One of those videos, filmed on August 25, 2011, appeared to show three male students engaged in inappropriate activity. On August 30, the Thompson Elementary principal notified the parents of the students who were involved. In addition, the Houston Police Department and Child Protective Services also were notified and HPD took the lead on the criminal investigation.

On Wednesday, January 4, 2012, Houston police took two 10-year-old Thompson students into custody. Parents of the students who were involved in the incident are being offered counseling services for their children.”


  1. speechless. My God!

  2. Just when you think you've heard it all. I have an 8yr old so this is something I would have never expected to learn. My prayers go out to Pam and her son! The district should be held liable if nothing else.
