Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is the state's premier law enforcement agency.

DPS is the state's authority and expert on breath alcohol testing. When the Houston

Police Department's three lab technicians quit their jobs, this virtually halted DWI

prosecution in the courts, delaying justice and costing the county financially. DPS

stepped in on an emergency basis and did an extraordinary job.

The Harris County District Attorney's Office has to be assured of the professionalism,

excellence, and integrity of its expert witnesses. We have absolute confidence in the

Department of Public Safety.

Of great significance is the fact that with DPS providing breath testing services to 18

law enforcement agencies, including HPD and the Sheriff's Department, any officer can now

take their DWI suspect to any DPS supervised breath testing location in Harris County.

This has a force multiplier effect, as the officers can return to service more quickly,

preventing crime and providing a more efficient administration of justice.

We have been very concerned about outsourcing to non-law enforcement entities and

the problems created by personnel turnover. This results in needless resetting of court

cases, impacting inmates awaiting trial, witnesses, and law enforcement. The DA's

Office recommended the breath alcohol testing services contract with DPS. The

decision, of course, and the negotiations belonged to Harris County Commissioners

Court and the Harris County Purchasing Office.

It was the right thing to do. Our citizens and communities are safer by getting more

drunk drivers off the streets and keeping more police officers on the streets. I assure

you, as District Attorney of Harris County, my top priority is-and will remain-being

tough on crime and protecting the public.

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